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Plant Installation

Our planting services are fixed and calculated based on the size of the container being planted. No exceptions may be made for “easy” digs or potted arrangements. Any additional work that extends beyond the original agreement will be billed as a separate job. Soil amendment is recommended for all in-ground plantings with the exception of cacti and succulents. Pricing goes as follows:

What’s better than having beautifully planted trees, shrubs, and flowers? Getting it all without the work! Our delivery and installation team will get your plants planted, and your pots placed perfectly. You can call, email, or stop by our Verde building with any questions, or to set up installation. Leave the work to us and start enjoying your plants the easy way!


Container Size Price Soil
65 gal 6 man hours $1000 4 ft3
45 gal/36″Box 4 man hours $375+ 3 ft3
25 gal/24″Box 2 man hours $210+ 2 ft3
15 gal 45 min $80 1 ft3
5 gal 15 min $25 ½ ft3
1 gal 5 min $12 ¼ ft3
4” 20 minutes (1 flat minimum) $15 ⅛ ft3

Additional Services

Type Basic Premium
Container Succulents & Cacti Tank’s Cactus Mix EB Stone Cactus Mix
Shrubs/Trees (Desert) Tank’s Compost Bumper Crop
Shrubs/Trees (Non-Desert) Bumper Crop or Tank’s Compost Happy Frog Soil Conditioner
Shrubs/Trees (Edibles) Bumper Crop or Tank’s Compost Happy Frog Soil Conditioner
Houseplants/Baskets Bumper Crop Potting Soil Fox Farm Salamander Soil

Tree Staking

$25/tree (includes 2 lodge poles, tree wire & installation) – Recommended for trees that need stabilization, usually single trunk specimens that are top-heavy or small caliper. (Ask one of our experts!) This ensures a straight growing leader trunk and can prevent breakage in strong winds.

Plant Removal

Services are limited and dependent on plant size and maturity. We require a picture to be sent to salesmanager@greenthingsaz.com in order to determine if we can properly complete the request. Prices will depend on the size of the plant being removed. We will only provide a quote for the removal after we receive a picture.


$60/man hour labor + materials – We offer basic irrigation services. We can connect new plants to existing irrigations systems by attaching ¼” tubing (spaghetti) and emitters to the main poly lines or PVC manifolds. The installation team will assess and quote the work at the job site for the customer. Upon completion of the job, a final bill will be due for the balance based on time and materials required.

Landscape Consultations

Some of our professionals provide consultation and design services. These services are scheduled on their own time. If a customer is interested, please forward their contact information to one of our plant experts. They will be contacted by one of our professionals to discuss the details of their fees and services provided.

Potted Arrangements

Please see Potting Schedule.

Services Not Offered

Irrigation repair, landscape maintenance, tree trimming. We do not install plants for wholesale customers.